Caregiving is a Path
There’s a quote from The Rolling Stones – You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime you might find you get what you need.
I didn’t want caregiving. I didn’t want to be a caregiver. Yet, I believe most of us have experienced something tragic or difficult and only later find out how transforming or enlightening or maturing that experience was. How it placed you on a path, that was unimaginable, yet perfectly suited for you. Mine was caregiving.
I recently read an inciteful quote by the filmmaker Ava DuVernay. She was talking about the challenges and stresses in completing a recent project. And how we often fail to see the bigger picture. She said, “It’s not happening to you. It’s happening for you.”
If you’re a caregiver having difficulty in this role, feeling alone, frustrated and tired with no peers to share your experiences, on a rollercoaster ride of doctor calls and appointments, bouncing between good news and bad news, having more questions than answers, suffering as you’ve seen others suffer, having tried what everyone has said to try but to no avail, then you may be ready for a fundamentally different approach.